[FP]-LIMS - LIMS Company - Fink & Partner

Compare the [FP]-LIMS editions – Detailed overview

Select the [FP]-LIMS Edition for your requirements

Find out which [FP]-LIMS edition best suits your laboratory requirements with our overview. Whether you run a small laboratory or manage a large facility, [FP]-LIMS offers a suitable solution. Our Light, Standard, and Professional editions are specifically designed to adapt to different needs and scales.

Use our interactive comparison table to quickly and easily compare the features and benefits of each edition.

Feature [FP]-LIMS Light - Die Standalone-Lösung [FP]-LIMS Standard [FP]-LIMS Professional GroupingExplanation:
Quick start of important functionsCheckCheckCheckDesktopThe start page offers quick start buttons for the most important functions
Selection list for database, filter, view, sortingCheckCheckCheckDesktopThere is a selection list for the database to select specific data records. Filters are available to display data according to specific criteria. View options allow you to customize the display of the data. Sorting functions help to arrange information in the desired order.
Quick searchCheckCheckCheckDesktopFinds the desired information quickly and specifically.
Dynamic date/time range of the filterCheckCheckCheckDesktopAllows precise adjustment of date and time ranges for targeted data filtering based on current and variable criteria.
Freely configurable views for results tablesCheckCheckCheckDesktopAllow customization and display of table results according to specific needs and preferences.
Unlimited number of features, identification fields and filtersCheckCheckCheckDesktopProvides the ability to use a variety of features, identification fields and filters without restrictions to comprehensively analyze and manage data.
Colored display of limit violations/specificationsCheckCheckCheckDesktopColor coding is possible to visually indicate limit violations or compliance with specifications, making data monitoring and analysis more efficient.
Context-dependent filtersXCheckCheckDesktopAutomatically adapt to the current context or displayed data to present relevant filter options and optimize navigation and analysis.
Filter tree configurable by userXXCheckDesktopAllows each user to customize the filter tree and design it according to personal preferences and analysis needs to enable tailored data exploration.
Structuring of data fields / access control for filtersCheckCheckCheckDesktopStructuring of data fields enables systematic organization for efficient management and analysis, while access control for filters regulates targeted access to filter options.
MultilingualCheckCheckCheckDesktopThe application supports German, English and Spanish. Users can also flexibly integrate their own languages into the system.
Detailed result view (configurable for each measurement method)CheckCheckCheckResults processingAllows you to customize the detailed view based on the respective measurement method.
Edit function for resultsCheckCheckCheckResults processingAllows you to edit results to correct or update data.
Plausibilities for identification fields / characteristicsXCheckCheckResults processingEvaluates the consistency and accuracy of identification fields and characteristics to ensure data integrity.
Simple release system (status options limited to "Released" or "Blocked")XCheckCheckResults processingSimple release system with the status options "Released" or "Blocked" possible.
Graduated release system (status options can be defined individually, this includes both their designation and sequence)XXCheckResults processingAllows the individual definition of status options, including their name and sequence.
Merge function: Summary of measurement resultsXXCheckResults processingEnables the merging of analyses to create a consolidated summary.
Quick entry of measurement resultsXXCheckResults processingSimplifies the rapid entry of measured values or results for efficient data acquisition.
Assignment / allocation of documentsXXCheckResults processingEnables documents to be linked or assigned to specific areas or users within the system.
Audit TrailCheckCheckCheckResults processingLogs all activities and changes within the system to ensure a complete and traceable history of processes.
Detailed result view (configurable for each measurement method)CheckCheckCheckResult output options - evaluation & documentationThe detailed result view allows you to customize the detailed view according to the measurement method used.
Report & print formats (PDF, Word,...)CheckCheckCheckResult output options - evaluation & documentationThe application supports various report & print formats (such as PDF, Word, etc.) for the creation and output of reports and documents.
SPC formats: SPC control charts - progression charts, histograms, correlation, X, S, R, IR charts)XCheckCheckResult output options - evaluation & documentationThe application includes SPC control charts such as progression diagrams, histograms and correlation, X, S, R and IR charts for detailed analysis and monitoring of process data.
Certificate formats: For single & multiple results, attach results, print etc.XCheckCheckResult output options - evaluation & documentationThe application supports various formats for single and multiple results as well as the option of attaching and printing results.
Export formats (Excel, CSV, TXT, Word, database,...)XCheckCheckResult output options - evaluation & documentationAllows data to be exported in various formats such as Excel, CSV, TXT, Word and directly to databases for flexible further processing and documentation.
Diagram formatsXCheckCheckResult output options - evaluation & documentationSupports various formats for displaying data in diagrams for visual analysis and presentation of information.
Numerical statistics: number, sum, mean value, abs/rel. hr. dev., min, max, rangeXCheckCheckResult output options - evaluation & documentationThe application offers functions for calculating the number, sum, mean value, absolute and relative standard deviation, minimum, maximum and range for comprehensive analysis of data.
Manual and automatic sending of e-mailsXXCheckResult output options - evaluation & documentationEnables both manual and automatic sending of e-mails to efficiently manage and transmit notifications, reports or other messages.
Set up and edit specificationsCheckCheckCheckSpecificationsEnables the definition and adjustment of specific parameters or criteria for the processing of data or information.
Freely definable colors for the display of limit violationsCheckCheckCheckSpecificationsIndividually adaptable colors for the display of limit value violations.
Accuracy for value limitsCheckCheckCheckSpecificationsAccuracy for value limits can be precisely defined and configured to meet specific requirements or standards.
Version managementCheckCheckCheckSpecificationsAllows the targeted management and tracking of different versions of specifications in order to document changes and make historical revisions traceable.
Specification groupsXCheckCheckSpecificationsAllows the organization and grouping of specific specifications or criteria according to common characteristics or requirements for easier management and editing.
Formulas as specification limitsXCheckCheckSpecificationsAllows the definition of mathematical formulas or expressions as limit values for specific criteria or specifications in data analysis or processing.
Specification identificationXCheckCheckSpecificationsThe function enables the comparison of measurement results with defined limit values. Qualities can be defined and linked to analyses and test methods so that the application checks that the results comply with the specification limits.
Comparison with central database possible, e.g. leading ERP systemXXCheckSpecificationsSynchronization with central database possible, for example with a leading ERP system, to keep data consistent and up-to-date.
Specification relationsXXCheckSpecificationsAllows the definition and management of relationships or dependencies between different specifications within the application.
Additional specification fieldsXXCheckSpecificationsAllow the integration of additional user-defined fields for more precise specification definition and management within the system.
Trend analysisXXCheckSpecificationsEnables the analysis and evaluation of data trends over a certain period of time in order to identify patterns, developments and future forecasts.
FeaturesCheckCheckCheckMaster data managementPossibility to set up and manage characteristics for the precise description and organization of data or objects within the system.
Identification fieldsCheckCheckCheckMaster data managementAbility to set up and manage flexible identifiers to precisely describe and organize data or objects within the system.
UnitsCheckCheckCheckMaster data managementIt is possible to create and manage units to standardize and organize different measurements or values within the system.
Conversion factorsCheckCheckCheckMaster data managementAllow the definition and application of ratios or factors to convert units of measurement or values within data management or analysis.
Dynamic decimal placesCheckCheckCheckMaster data managementEnables automatic adjustment of the number of decimal places based on the entered or calculated values to optimize accuracy and readability.
Device classificationXCheckCheckMaster data managementDevice classification enables the central management and adaptation of the appropriate master data in order to record and organize the specific characteristics and categories of the devices.
Addresses with contact personsXCheckCheckMaster data managementThe application enables the creation and management of addresses with associated contact persons. It offers clear organization and quick access to all contact data.
Formulas for characteristicsXCheckCheckMaster data managementFormulas for characteristics can be stored in the application to enable direct conversion.
Free classification of display formats, specifications, specification details and featuresXXCheckMaster data managementThe application enables the free classification of display formats, specifications, specification details and features.
Devices for averagingXXCheckMaster data managementThe function allows you to create a list that automatically averages specific analyses during import or processing.
Comparison with master data from the ERP systemXXCheckMaster data managementThe application enables a comparison with the master data from the ERP system to ensure data consistency and up-to-dateness.
Audit trail for measurement dataXXCheckMaster data managementThe application provides an audit trail for measurement data to ensure traceability and traceability of the data history.
Automatic export after import or modification of an analysis (ASCII, [FP]-LIMS database)XCheckCheckAutomationAfter importing or modifying an analysis, the application offers automatic export functions that support formats such as ASCII and [FP]-LIMS databases.
Storing recurring processes in macrosXCheckCheckAutomationRecurring processes can be defined and saved in the application using macros.
Jobs for time-controlled macro executionXXCheckAutomationThe application supports the creation of time-controlled jobs for the execution of macros.
Workflow Actions module:
Set values, send e-mail, generate + send reports *
XXPlusAutomationThe Workflow Actions module enables the automated setting of values, the sending of e-mails and the generation and sending of reports.
User profileCheckCheckCheckRightsEach user has their own user profile, in which various parameters of the application can be customized according to their own wishes.
User accounts & user groupsXCheckCheckRightsThe system makes it easy to create and manage user accounts and user groups, allowing users and user groups to be assigned their individual rights.
Access authorizationsCheckCheckCheckRightsThe system offers comprehensive access authorizations that allow administrators to precisely define which functions and data each user can view and edit within the application.
Password rulesXCheckCheckRightsThe application provides the ability to create and customize tailored password policies that meet the company's specific security requirements and policies.
Departments: Context-related access authorizationsXXCheckRightsThe application supports department-specific access authorizations that make it possible to control access to certain functions and data on a context-related basis.
Single sign-on (SSO) with Microsoft® AD or via third-party providersXXCheckRightsThe application provides the ability to implement single sign-on (SSO) via both Microsoft® Active Directory and third-party providers to ensure seamless and secure authentication for users.
BelecCheckCheckCheckDevice interfaces & communication - Selection of native interfaces (alphabetical)A specially developed device driver for seamless communication is used for devices from this manufacturer.
BrukerCheckCheckCheckDevice interfaces & communication - Selection of native interfaces (alphabetical)Interfaces to Q-Matrix and Elemental Suits allow easy transfer of specification parameters and measurement data. A further interface enables measurement data to be read in from DAT files from XRF S2 / S4 Ranger devices.
EmtecCheckCheckCheckDevice interfaces & communication - Selection of native interfaces (alphabetical)Data exchange with TA110 devices in both directions is made possible by a TCP/IP connection.
EuroThermCheckCheckCheckDevice interfaces & communication - Selection of native interfaces (alphabetical)Temperature data from Eurotherm temperature control units are imported into [FP]-LIMS via a TCP/IP connection.
HitachiCheckCheckCheckDevice interfaces & communication - Selection of native interfaces (alphabetical)This interface makes it possible to import quality parameters from text files.
Metal PowerCheckCheckCheckDevice interfaces & communication - Selection of native interfaces (alphabetical)We have developed a device driver for Metal Power devices that enables communication with the devices.
MetrohmCheckCheckCheckDevice interfaces & communication - Selection of native interfaces (alphabetical)Measurement data from XML export files of Metrohm devices can be imported using this interface.
MettlerToledoCheckCheckCheckDevice interfaces & communication - Selection of native interfaces (alphabetical)Using this interface, measurement data from Mettler Toledo devices can be easily transferred to [FP]-LIMS in XML format.
Microtrac (Camsizer)CheckCheckCheckDevice interfaces & communication - Selection of native interfaces (alphabetical)Measurement data from the Camsizer is transferred to the [FP]-LIMS via the interface.
OBLFCheckCheckCheckDevice interfaces & communication - Selection of native interfaces (alphabetical)OBLF spectrometers communicate with the LIMS software via this TCP/IP connection. Specification parameters and results are exchanged.
SpectroCheckCheckCheckDevice interfaces & communication - Selection of native interfaces (alphabetical)Spectro 43, SpectroV7 and Spectro XML: These interfaces import DAT files in 4.3 format and XML format respectively. The Spectro XML interface also allows the import of specifications.

Spectro Automation: [FP]-LIMS serves as a central specification database when using this interface and exports these to LAB M12 spectrometers.
Thermo FisherCheckCheckCheckDevice interfaces & communication - Selection of native interfaces (alphabetical)Results from text files from Ion Choreography (IC), ARL and XL series devices can be transferred to LIMS thanks to this interface.
Further interfacesCheckCheckCheckDevice interfaces & communication - Selection of native interfaces (alphabetical)Devices such as ELTRA, LECO, Malvern Panalytical, Sartorius, QuantoLux, ZwickRoell can be found in open interfaces due to their easy configuration.
AnalysesCheckCheckCheckDevice interfaces & communication - Open interfacesMeasurement data can be imported and modified from XML files using XPATH 3.0 via a freely configurable interface. Another interface enables measurement data to be imported from database tables. Measurement data can be imported from text files via another freely configurable interface:
ELTRA, LECO, Malvern Panalytical, Sartorius, QuantoLux, ZwickRoell
File transferXXCheckDevice interfaces & communication - Open interfacesFiles can be transferred between computers via TCP/IP using a service.
QualitiesXXCheckDevice interfaces & communication - Open interfacesQuality parameters can be imported and exported via text files.
Inspection OrdersXXCheckDevice interfaces & communication - Open interfacesTest jobs can be imported from text files via a service. An interface enables the import of test jobs from XML files using XPATH 3.0.
DocumentsXCheckCheckDevice interfaces & communication - Open interfacesAnother interface allows documents from the file system to be attached to analyses or test jobs.
QDAXXCheckOther systems[FP]-LIMS offers you the possibility to connect QDA solutions to ensure data exchange between the systems.
BabtecXXCheckOther systemsBabtec systems can be connected to [FP]-LIMS to ensure data exchange between the systems.
SPSXXCheckOther systemsThe following controller types can be read in via the MPI, PROFIBUS, PPI, TCP/IP and RK512/3964 protocols: S7-200, S7-1200, S7-1500, S7-300, S7-400, S7-400H, LOGO! 0BA7 and 0BA8, S5, as well as the SINUMERIK 840D machine tool controller.
Other ERP systems (RGU, SAP®*, timeline, Microsoft Dynamics,...)XXCheckOther systemsThe application supports integration with various ERP systems such as RGU, SAP®, Timeline and Microsoft Dynamics to ensure seamless data exchange and efficient collaboration between systems.
Unlimited number of interfacesXCheckCheckOther systemsAn unlimited number of configurations for interfaces can be created in the application.
Module for communication via TCP/IPXXCheckOther systemsThe application contains a module for communication via TCP/IP, which enables data to be exchanged securely and efficiently between different systems and devices.
Standardization of characteristic/identity namesXXCheckOther systemsThe application offers the option of standardizing feature and identification names to ensure consistent and uniform naming.
Bidirectional device communicationXXCheckOther systemsThe application supports bidirectional device communication, which means that data can be exchanged securely and efficiently between the application and the connected devices in both directions.
Extension of licensesXCheckCheckExpansion options & modulesThe application allows for the easy expansion of licenses to add additional workstations, depending on the evolving needs and growth of the business.
Service contractCheckCheckCheckExpansion options & modulesA service contract may be concluded between you and Fink & Partner, which sets out the terms and conditions for support, maintenance and other services provided as part of the use of the application.
Easy upgrade to a higher range of functionsCheckCheckXExpansion options & modulesThe application offers an easy way to upgrade to advanced features to flexibly adapt to your needs.
Inspection order management module *XXPlusExpansion options & modulesThe module for test order management enables the efficient organization and management of inspection orders within the application.
Validate module, e.g. ICPXXPlusExpansion options & modulesThe validation module, e.g. for ICP analyses, enables precise verification and documentation of results within the application.
Workflow Actions module *XXPlusExpansion options & modulesThe [FP]-LIMS Workflow Actions enable flexible and individual automation of evaluation and control tasks, such as sending e-mails or blocking analyses in the event of tolerance violations, in order to ensure fast reactions and quality assurance in production.
Workflow Management module *XXPlusExpansion options & modulesThe Workflow Management module enables the planning, control, monitoring and visualization of processes to make them more efficient and transparent.
Certified interface to SAP® QM *XXPlusExpansion options & modulesThe application offers a certified interface to SAP® QM (Quality Management) to ensure seamless data exchange and integration between the two systems.
Mobile data acquisition module incl. ELN (electronic laboratory notebook) *XXPlusExpansion options & modulesThe Mobile Data Collection module including Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) enables data to be collected and documented directly on site via mobile devices, ensuring seamless integration and real-time updates in the application.
Recipe management module *XXPlusExpansion options & modulesRecipe management is a user-friendly extension that makes it easy to manage substances, products and recipes. It enables the creation of recipes in different versions, the specification of ingredients and the use of production logs for comprehensive tracking and documentation of production processes.

* Requirement: [FP]-LIMS Professional

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